Mark Sullo Amulet 8" x 8" 7/2024


We are pleased to present "Collage Connections" in the windows of WUG -- recent collage work by Mark Sullo, September 14 - October 20.

Opening reception Saturday September 14, 6:00 - 9:00p FREE!
At The Grocery - 3001 21st Ave S, Seattle 98144

In addition to Mark’s collage works in the windows, the opening reception will feature sound collage, music mixes, and multimedia projections by Jesse Paul Miller, Climax Golden Twins and Sublime Frequencies. The theme is visual collections and sonic connections.

Mark’s process for creating this work is with an intricate blend of printed media from a variety of source materials. His technique is unusual, utilizing adhesive tape to lift the top layer of ink and paper substrate. Each resulting tissue thin paper piece brings an unpredictable shape which he then pastes in gradual succession as the composition unfolds until completion. Working with this chance aspect of weaving connections, an abstract and improvised visual unity ensues, suggestive of order within chaos.

This show is on view at WUG Sep 14 - Oct 20.

See more of Mark’s work: